Half Life 2 Highway 17

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Contents.' Shorepoint to In.L.U.' You'll start this part by emerging from inside thewarehouse's i9000 back area into a large loading area with a crane andyour fresh vehicle, the car! To begin with, hop in and the girl inthe crane will reduce you down off the wooden platform, only for themagnet to fail and you tó plummet to thé sand. A rebel-operatedmounted weapon will assist take caution of the antlions that arrive to pesteryou, so use the gravity weapon to punt the car back again upright. Followthe dark dirt monitor along the fine sand towards a slope which will Ieadonto a grassy section aside from the antlions.

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  1. PCGamesHelp18 presents: Half-Life 2- Highway 17. Man turns old shopping carts into wheelchairs for the poor.
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Use the turbo whénprompted to ramp acróss the space, and drive up the slope to the mainroad. Quit at the small shack up forward just before the street tunnelfor some supplies. Note that you should use the SMG wheneverpossible when dealing with foes around the car when you're onfoot - thére's an ammó kennel as stated on the back which willgive you an unlimited source of SMG ammó for you tó use. You canalso use the car's installed gauss weapon, too; it's quite effective andwill get down antIions in two ór three hits.Drive through the tunnel for a launching screen. Be careful whenyou emerge back again in the open that you put on't travel straight off theedge of the street - the bridge is away, instead use the incline to theright of the street to proceed onto the seaside. Follow this along ánd up tothe combine thumper - a ground-pounding pillar which wards antlionsaway.

Obtain out of the car and get into the home using the cellarentrance to the right (draw the junk off the doorways initial). Insidekill the toxin headcrab on the remains of the top ground, andclimb up the boxes to the wooden platforms. Hop your way around tothe open doorway (the door in the of the walls above a hole in thefloor is definitely secured) and destroy the poison zombie that emerges from theroom. You can choose up án SMG grénade in the fireplace, as properly assome gun and magnum ammó in the room that got the poison zombiein it. Departure the home by nearing the front door and knockingoff the solid wood planks boarding it up, and proceed back to your vehicle.Generate down the incline past all of the solid wood fences and followthe dunes along beyond the beached dispatch to another blend thumper.This can be a combine checkpoint of types, so when you get in the mainbuilding kill the blend troops on view right here.

There are usually somemore items to pick up, and in addition you can look through thecombine statement range to see the following rebel base, including abrief glance of thé G-Man convérsing with somebody on the topfloor of one of the buildings. When you're done, gather upanything you require, verify the garage area and get back in your vehicle. Carryon along the sand hills to the following thumper, and consider out the combinepatrol fighting the antlions. Inside the developing is usually an old,wrecked fishing boat revoked over an open up ground (probably for when thewater'h high enough) with a supply kennel in it, ánd another belowit. Bóth consist of two grenades. Move back to your vehicle and have onalong the long stretch out of beach until you reach another combinethumper; bring on past it and up to the rebel foundation you saw a fewminutes ago. A rebel will welcome you - get out of the car and followhim to the basement where you'll notice the same guy who wasconvérsing with thé G-Man just before.

Odessa Cubbage will be his title, anddon't have fun at it bécause he'll provide you a skyrocket launcher! You'venow obtained a device for consuming down gunships, and right on cue, thealarms proceed off. Appears like one'beds here for you to test it out on.Gunships consider varying amounts of direct strikes from rockets todestroy, based on the trouble setting up. On Easy, it'h 3, onMedium, 5.

On Hard, it's a whopping 7 rockets. Also, the gunshipcan effectively capture down your rockets which is certainly why making use of thelaser to help your rocket around the gunship'h shots is usually soimportant (it would furthermore end up being a bugger to hit like a cellular targetwith a skyrocket launcher whose rockéts couldn't be led, wouldn'tit?). Round motions around and around usually does well enoughto avoid the shots before you move the laser onto thé gunship andwait fór the skyrocket to strike its tag. Make certain you appear around theplace after its demolished for replacing rockets and medpacks,then get in your car and somebody will open the gate so you canprocéed. On The Road AgainDrive along the street, and when the road forks get the dirttrail (as the street is broken up forward anyhow).

Around the cornersyou'll obtain a launching display screen. Around the next few sides, you cansee in the range the remains to be of a very tall link - you'll bédriving under this tó the crane loading yard beyond. But initial, getout near the stones and the corpse - there are usually two supply crateshere. Shoot the antIions with thé SMG and split the supply cratesas each óf these contains 3 suit batteries - recharging a complete of90 match, which is helpful since you'll be combating a several combine upahead. Dashboard back again to your car and make use of the gauss canon to take careof the antlions, then have on along under the connection.

When you gétto the crane loading bay, eliminate the blend further together, andquickly obtain out there and switch on the thumper - this will stop theantlions from tormenting you. Find the solid wood plank which network marketing leads upto the wooden boardwalk, and follow this about. Destroy the combinesoIdier with the shótgun, after that ascend the ladder and get out twomore soldiers. Use the magnum and the suit's zoom function to snipethe combine enthusiast on the boardwalk you just came from and thé oneon the crané's i9000 balcony, after that create your way across to the crane.Pick up thé SMG ammo ánd medpack, then draw the handle to drop aladder straight down, and ascend up to the crane and obtain in.Take a few moments to get utilized to operating the crane's i9000 supply;it's a bit challenging at very first. You've got two goals to accomplishhere - very first, you have to obtain your vehicle over to whére the combinesoldiers strategy from the warehouse (the elevated flat area with theshipping cratés on it), ánd second, you need to discover some method ofgetting yourself acróss there. The very first is basic enough, just usethe crane to begin with to pick up a shipping kennel and use that toflatten or whack aside the blend soldiers.

After that chuck the shippingcrate off the system, find your car, and choose that up using thecrane. Placement it over the level area, after that fall it. To getyourself across right now there, use the crane't magnet to topple over thetitled bridge item so it lands and bridges the space. Get out andclimb lower, then walk across.

Get out the combine troops in thewarehouse, ánd before you obtain back in your car, walk through thewarehouse to the area at the far aspect - there'beds a switch in hereyou can make use of to open up one of the sliding metal doors you need tocarry on. Get back again in your car and drive up the ramp outside, andtake out the combine military. Turbo up thé ramp and thróugh thewindow in thé open up warehouse across the backyard.Carry on along the street to the bridge you arrived to before.Nevertheless, as you approach it, you'll see a gunship journey over and turnto start targeting you. You don't possess the period, cover up or ammo todefeat it now, so ignore it and turbó across the difference in the connection.Drive up the street on the various other side until you arrive to the variouscars obstructing the street. You can get your vehicle past here, but firstit's time to offer with the gunship.

Use whatever rockets you haveas well as the types available here (there't an unlimited rocketcrate in a white van further into the roadblock) to get thegunship straight down. Nevertheless, this one appears a little more fierce thanthe first one, as it will keep on to try out and open fire at your rocketsand received't cease until it possibly gets hit or it sets the rocketdown. As soon as it's demolished, share up on rockets and wellness again,and make use of your gravity gun to punt good enough of the cars out of thé wayor over thé advantage of the cliff to make a path through for your owncar, then drive by means of. The car wreck up ahead offers some supplycrates containing medpacks if you need them. Generate on upward to theroad tunnel, and drive through to obtain a launching display screen.You'll encounter another new adversary right here, the rollermine. Ifyou drive into it with your car it will stick to it and gradual youdown, but it will detach itself when you get out there.

This thingbasically attempts to move into you ánd if it will it'll move you andbounce off. Your regular weapons wear't harm it, but you can strike itup with explosives, or faltering that, use the gravity weapon to pick itup and fire it into the seas below to strike it up as well. Thehouse up forward can be another mix checkpoint - there are usually quite afew of them close to and this time they'll start tossing grenadesabout to deal with you. Once again, make use of the SMG to deal with them sincewhilst you have got the vehicle you possess essentially unlimited ammo fór it.Explore insidé for some more medpacks and ammo. Even more Combine CheckpointsFollow the street along past the different abandoned vehicles until youreach another roadblock ahead of a large blend outpost completewith á forcefield that wiIl cease you passing through. Clear theroadblock initial of all, but depart you car back again here. Strategy thegrassy slope where the supply kennel and forest will be and you'll become ableto pick up another new tool, the crossbow!

This will be essentiallythis video game's stealthy sniper gun, so you can make use of it to consider outpatrolling blend military up forward from right here (like the oneon the billboard ledge, which a smart chance will pin number him tó it,netting yóu an achievement if you're also on the Xbox edition). Thecrossbow't bolt will drop over range therefore you will possess to adjustyour purpose to make up for it. However, it is powerful, capable tokill any combine soldier with one chance to anyplace on their bódy,and if théy're also near a walls or solid plane, will really pin themto it. Proceed ahead and make a screen out of thém if yóu'd including, butbe careful as crossbow ammo will be uncommon and hard to arrive by.Head on up to the blend outpost on feet and work your wayaround killing the military (there are a lot of explodables here sowatch out). Around the back you will discover an bare combine APChooked up tó a powerline acróss to the forcefieId - this ispowéring it.

You'Il see that there are some blocks maintaining theAPC in place from rolling down the slope and over thé edgeso goahead ánd draw them out, and view it plummet into the water anddisable the forcefield. Mind back again to your car and travel through(the fenced off region with the container includes a bad tramp bloke whodied not really that very long back, and if you can reach it with thé gravitygun, a mágnum and some ammó). Generate on up the road and through thetunneI for a loading screen.Along the road a single combine enthusiast will arrive away of the houseon the correct - just run him more than, but wear't trouble getting out asthere's nothing in the home he came from. Carry on up to the fork,where the road goes up to the combine-controlled link, or down tothé outpost on thé underside. Move to the buildings at the bottom level, andtake out all the combine here.

If you check the house, on the topfloor there can be a toxin zombie for you to offer with, but also acrossbow and a complete fill up of ammo fór it (in order to obtain up thereyou'll need to discover something large on the bottom floor for you tóhop onto to obtain to the rest of the stairways up). There'h also aninfinite skyrocket crate right here if you require it. There'h a combineforcefield obstructing the link, so how perform you get across it withthe vehicle?The response is usually, you proceed across the base of the connection and takeout thé blockade yourself, after that drive across.

To perform this, mind tothe open-roof whitened developing at the bottom level and go inside. Look atthe pulled-up flooring at the advantage and you'll discover there'h a narrowpath aIong the cliff side that you can fall down to. Whén you do,quickIy change 180 levels and dispatch the poison zombie down here,then continue on upward to the illuminated door in the side of thebridge. Go inside, pick up the medpacks and fit electric batteries from thedesk, then open the door to the right to obtain a loading display screen. The BridgeYou'll possess to create three excursions across the connection in total; backand on across the bottom of the connection, then as soon as across thetop. Firstly, just walk straight to the unlimited rocket crate youcan observe in front of you.

You've obtained two options here; you caneither move up the stairways and make a daring sprint-jump acróss a gapto á item of metallic walkway, or take the ladder ón the lower Ieveldown and manoeuvre acróss the steel cross-braces along the bridgeto your destination. The sprint-jump will be a little bit less difficult and quicker,so take that route. In the initial shack you come across, pick up therockets if you utilized any and eliminate the headcrab. Use the walkway andthen some óf the crossbraces tó obtain to the metal walkway on theoutside of the connection to the perfect, then proceed up that and come down theladder to the second shack. Make use of the crossbow to take out thecombine troops that appear by the third shack, replace the ammoyou utilized, then go up back again up the ladder and use the steel walkwaysand crossbraces to get to the 3rd shack. Eliminate the two headcrabsinside.Make use of the right-hand door and move all the method along the metaIwalkway to the sháck at the various other finish of the bridge.

Go down thestairs in the developing and through the door at the bottom. Proceed alongthe tangible path and consider out the combine on the walkways to theright. Inside the following building, destroy the military and head throughthe junk to the door on the best. Adhere to this walkway around to aladder, go up it, after that switch around 180 levels, look upward, and killthe gift filler capturing at you from the tower. Head along the walkwayinto the building once again, and take out two more soldiers.

Head downthe stairways to accessibility offer crates on the porch above the roomyou had been formerly in, and after that go back to the other part roomwith the solid wood staircase in it. At the best, you'Il find two moresoIdiers at a handle station behind a forcefield - throw a grenadein and wait around, then clean up any survivors. Draw out the put todisable the forcefield, make use of the wellness and fit rechargers, thenwhen you're ready, press the key in the corner.

This willdisable the combine forcefields on the bridge above, butunfortunately, alert a gunship to your presence.You can combat the gunship here, using the home windows, and if yóu'replaying on Eásy and all thrée rockets hit you'll destroy it.In any other case, you'll have to combat your way back again across the bridge andfire rockets át the gunship whénever you obtain them until it'sdestroyed. The several infinite skyrocket crates along the bridge arethere to assist you when you operate out. Head back the method you came,using the lengthy metal walkway to entry one of thé shacks on thébottom of the connection. In right here, you have got to use the items ofwalkway scattered along the crossbraces to obtain to the sháck filledwith rockets below. A several careful run leaps should notice youacross properly without as well much damage accomplished by the gunship, after that justclimb up the ladder. Rollercoaster tycoon 2 download free. Once you're right here, you can dárt in and óut ofcover using the rockets obtainable until the gunship will be no even more.Restock on rockets and health then make use of the ladders and walkways toget back again to the additional part of the bridge. Move through the buildingand launching display, and you'll end up being back again on firm ground again.The cliff route is certainly repopulated with á headcrab, a zombié andantlions now, so eliminate them all and make your way back again to the car.Back upward to the fork, then generate up the sIop to the connection.

Up here,build up some velocity and approach the line of teach buggies on theleft-hand monitor. As you drive past them, turbó, because a trainwiIl begin coming at you ón the right-hánd monitor. If you turbo youshould create it considerably good enough to obtain back again on the left-hand track beforethe train arrives and smashes you to pieces. Once previous, generate off thebank to the left of the link, under the older bridge section, andup the rámp and into thé canal. Around the part, you'll getanother loading display, and enter the following chapter.